Debbie Ann Francois has been returned unopposed as president of the Lystra Lewis Port-of-Spain Netball League (LLPOSNL) for a 19th term.
“I feel honoured and appreciated; I don’t take it for granted,” said Francois. “Every election, I don’t go thinking I would win, but I think the work that I do speaks volumes. So people have confidence that I can lead them and take them for another term again. We will see how it goes after this term, but I really appreciate them having confidence in me.”
The LLPOSNL held its annual general meeting and election of officers on January 29 at SWWTU Hall on Wrightson Road in Port-of-Spain. Elections have been held every year since 2000 and changed to a three-year term in 2019.
Francois has served as president from 2001 to the present but did not serve for two years—2005 and 2015—as she did not go up for office. Now she is back for another term, aiming to grow the longest-existing netball league in the country.
“Last year, I would have told them we don’t know where the finances are coming from, but we are going to play indoors knowing that it was going to be a cost of over $40,000 just for us to play indoors for the period we played. They had the confidence in me that, okay, that is what we’re going to do, and we were able to pull it off. Even with our continuous drive last year in terms of the opening, we did so many things for the kids free,” said Francois, proudly after having hosted last season’s competition at the Woodbrook Youth Facility. For the previous years, the league was played on the four outdoor courts at the Jean Pierre Complex in Mucurapo.
“So I think my work speaks volumes for me, my character, and my integrity; those are the things they have watched over the years and see fit to have me run for office.”
For the 2025-2028 term, Francois will have the services of the same staff of the previous period (2022-2024) as they were all re-elected unopposed except for one position, the public relations officer (PRO).
Liselle Johnson-Marcelle and Samantha Greene contested the PRO position. Johnson-Marcelle won by 22 votes to 12.
Returning also are Veronica McDonald-Nicoll as first vice president, Althea McCollin as second vice president, Keisha Alexander as secretary, Lystra Solomon-Simmons as assistant secretary, and Indra Anderson as treasurer.
The committee members include Adanna Jobe, Delano Henry, Heston McCollin, Alicia Guevara, Leslie Ann Aguilleria, and Keisha St. Hillarie. Greene and Anne-Marie Dickson-Lewis are the trustees.
Looking ahead to the 86th edition of the LLPOSNL, Francois and her team remain committed to the growth of the sport, the empowerment of players, and the development of our netball community.
“In 2025, we plan to increase our corporate sponsorship and renew our partnership with JMMB, Kradius, and the Ministry of Sports. We plan to continue with our Queen and Cultural Pageant to be held in June,” said Francois.
“We are also planning two workshops, one on mental health and one on leadership, both to be facilitated by professionals in the field. Reintroduction of an umpires pool to assist with the quality of umpiring. Plans for an opening with a difference to ensure that the kids enjoy themselves.”
The league is carded to open on March 23.
LLPOSNL executive
President: Debbie Ann Francois
First vice president: Veronica McDonald-Nicoll
Second vice president: Althea McCollin
Secretary: Keisha Alexander
Assistant secretary: Lystra Solomon-Simmons
Treasurer: Indra Anderson
Public relations officer: Liselle Johnson-Marcelle
Six committee members: Adanna Jobe, Delano Henry, Heston McCollin, Alicia Guevara, Leslie Ann Aguilleria, Keisha St.Hillarie
Trustees: Anne-Marie Dickson-Lewis, Samantha Greene