Three suspects were arrested and one vehicle which was reported
stolen recovered, during an anti-crime exercise yesterday.
The exercise was conducted between 11 am and 2 pm, on March 11. A silver Nissan Tiida was intercepted in the Pasea district, with three male occupants. Checks of the vehicle revealed that it bore false registration plates and had been reported stolen.
The suspects, ages 18 to 21, all of Claxton Bay, were arrested in
connection with the matter.
Meanwhile, another exercise conducted by the North Central
Division’s Major Crimes Unit in the Arouca district, between 4 pm
and 9 pm, on March 10 resulted in the discovery of one revolver loaded with six rounds of ammunition. One kilogramme of marijuana with an estimated street value of TT$4,800 was also discovered during the exercise.
Investigations are ongoing into the two above matters.