Jensen La Vende
Senior Reporter
The principal of President College, the school at the centre of a social media controversy after a viral video of a teacher cursing and shoving furniture around says he forgives the teacher and is ready to move on.
Principal Haradat Singh told Guardian Media that the incident was unfortunate and was not about the teacher and the accusations levelled against him subsequently, but an attack from Satan.
Singh said he is also a preacher and minus a few incidents where people have had issues with his disciplinarian tactics, he has had no issues such as was highlighted.
In the video, the teacher was seen shoving chairs and being restrained by other teachers while cursing, saying she was tired of being disrespected.
In response, Singh said the former teacher had personal issues, some of which he is aware of but chose not to comment on. He said his faith compelled him to forgive the teacher and called on other institutions not to blacklist her but give her the opportunity to be “a blessing to you.”
He said the teacher was supposed to have been at the school at 9 am on Tuesday and 30 minutes past that time she was not there. When she was called, the teacher, he claimed, became irate and came to the school five minutes later.
“In the two minutes that we spoke she was blaming me for calling her because she was saying ‘You don’t know what I’m going through right now’. But I am not going to go beyond that, I love her as I love all my staff members. I cannot be a Christian preaching about the grace of Jesus Christ and hate people.”
Following the video, there were allegations that Singh was underpaying his workers and overworking them, along with him being a racist.
He vehemently denied those claims.
“That accusation is an insult to my Afro-Trinidadian brothers and sisters. It’s an insult because it is saying that my Afro-Trinidadian brothers and sisters have eyes, but they can’t see. They have ears, but they can’t hear. Why would you be dwelling with someone all over these years, and there are so many things that he would do and say to suggest that he’s a racist, and you still come and giving your money to him? It makes absolutely no sense.”
On the issue of not paying his teachers a fair wage, Singh said he makes an offer to every potential employee, and they accept with the understanding they can leave with immediate effect, if they so desire.
“So, if it is, I am paying you nothing, and you’re still not going, and you’re here, well, that goes against you. Something is wrong with you!”
Singh said this incident was just free advertisement but, more importantly, a reminder from God about him doing His will by being a preacher.