Progressive Democratic Patriots leader Watson Duke is cautioning Prime Minister-designate Stuart Young not to get ahead of himself, reminding him that he has yet to be officially appointed.
Speaking in a social media video, Duke took issue with Young’s recent remarks at an international women’s event last week, where he pledged to strengthen domestic violence laws once he assumes office. He suggested that Young’s statement indirectly undermines the work of his predecessor, Dr Keith Rowley, who has served as Prime Minister for the past decade.
Duke warned Young to choose his words wisely, cautioning that premature promises and talk of new regulations could weaken his leadership before he even takes office.
“Be very careful as to how you begin to tread on your Prime Minister's garment. Remember, you have not been given the oil on your forehead, as you are just not prime minister you're hoping to be. Do not try to show shade on the work of your Prime Minister. Congratulate him. Stay away from the laws that he would have supervised. Stay away from the laws that he did not fix. Wait until you get the stamp of approval, and then you could talk. But you're talking out a time.”
He advised Young to build on Rowley’s legacy rather than cast doubt on existing policies. He also urged him to focus on more pressing women’s issues, such as better wages and working conditions for domestic workers.