A Toco housewife who went searching for her husband after he didn’t return home after visiting friends found his body down a precipice a short distance from their home earlier this week.
The 34-year-old woman told police her husband left their Sans Souci home around 3 pm and when he didn’t return home, she got worried and began to search for him.
A short distance from her home, the woman noticed a pool of blood, a beer bottle and a knife on the roadway. She followed the trail of blood down a precipice where she found her husband lying.
Officers from Toco Police Station visited the scene and were joined by homicide officers from Arouca Bureau Region 11.
District Medical Officer Dr Ashby Rampersad viewed the body and ordered its removal to the mortuary at the Sangre Grande Hospital. A post mortem is expected to be conducted at the Forensic Science Centre in St James.
Officers from Arouca Homicide Bureau Region 11 are continuing investigation.