Suzanne Sheppard
When Lornetta Jan and her husband left Trinidad and Tobago for Canada on March 8, they planned to be back home in a month. They went to Ottawa to get medical attention that is not available here.
Now desperate to get back home, Jan, who struggles with anxiety and depression, is appealing to National Security Minister Stuart Young for help
"I just want to come home. This situation is taking a toll on my health," Jan said in a telephone interview yesterday.
The Mayaro resident has been knocking on many doors in her effort to get home. She has even enlisted the help of her MP Dr Rushton Parray and, after many failed attempts, managed to send an email to the National Security Ministry on Monday.
Jan said she sank deep into despair on Saturday when Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley announced plans for a phased reopening of the country but said reopening the borders will be the final step.
"I strongly believe that I won't survive until July waiting to come home. And then July they might still not open the borders," she said.
Jan is appealing for a flight to be organised by the first week in June to "bring home some of us who don't have the virus."
She added: "I can take it anymore ... my depression is getting worse. I just want to come home or die. I can't sleep. I can't function on a daily basis."
Jan said every time local authorities announce that the border is to remain closed her anxiety kicks in and hr depression worsens.
She said she sought help via telemedicine and was prescribed medicine but it only made her condition worse, as she began having thoughts of suicide. She is now using herbal supplements but they provide very little relief.
"Please send a flight to Ottawa to bring home citizens who are virus-free, especially me and my husband. We will pay for our ticket of course. I know the borders are closed. But can't an exception be made for us with mental health issues and who are virus-free? I just want to come home!" she said.
While National Security Minister Stuart Young has acknowledged receipt of Jan's email seeking assistance, she has not heard anything further.