Hindu Pundit Satyanand Maharaj, leader of the Satya Anand Ashram in Aranguez, is once again making a call for vaccination against COVID-19 to be made mandatory. This time, he has penned a letter to the Prime Minister, Dr Keith Rowley, asking that his administration make the move to mandatory vaccinations, “now”.
This latest missive follows a release issued by Pundit Maharaj only last week on the same issue.
Pundit Maharaj expresses concern in his letter, about what unchecked COVID-19 infections could mean for the health care system.
He writes: “The unvaccinated are contracting COVID-19 and putting the health care and parallel healthcare system under such a strain that its collapse is imminent. The result is that many cannot access the healthcare system for what would have been routine treatment.”
The following is the full text of the correspondence sent by Pundit Maharaj to Prime Minister Rowley…
Honourable Prime Minister,
On the 24th November 2021, I made a call of mandatory vaccination for all in Trinidad and Tobago. I have since been joined by the medical fraternity, various Chambers of Commerce and other interest groups. I am also reliably informed that Spiritual Leaders in Mandirs, Mosques and Churches have been encouraging their membership to be vaccinated.
Just as safe zones have been established for vaccinated citizens, it is my recommendation that the Government apply measures that it has recommended for the private sector to itself.
You should be vaccinated to enter and do all government business. This should apply to all government employees including doctors, nurses, Ministry of National Security and all who work in the public sector. It should also be required if you wish to patronize groceries and other stores, including all modes of transport.
The unvaccinated are contracting COVID-19 and putting the health care and parallel healthcare system under such a strain that its collapse is imminent. The result is that many cannot access the healthcare system for what would have been routine treatment.
Honourable Prime Minister… I hereby call on you to make vaccination mandatory. The time has come to introduce legislation to compel those who can take the vaccine to take it. Just like in the past, legislation was introduced to compel drivers to wear seat belts for their own protection and legislation was introduced to stop smoking in buildings to protect non-smokers from secondary smoke so to now legislation is required to save the citizens, considering the many strains of this dreaded virus.
Your Respectfully,
Pundit Satyanand Maharaj
Satya Anand Ashram