More than a week after a probe was launched into records and storage facilities at the Regiment’s Cumuto Barracks where 25,573 rounds of 5.56 ammunition went missing last month, there is no timeline for when it will be completed.
On February 20, the Ministry of National Security announced that a team of retired soldiers and police officers had been appointed to investigate the mechanisms in place to manage storage of ammunition.
Co-chair of the investigative team, ret’d Col Lyle Alexander, said they are still working out the schedule for the enquiry and there is no timeline for the probe.
“We’re working on that when we put the schedule together,” he said.
“There are a whole lot of pieces in play at the moment and we need to synchronise for want of a better word and as soon as that is done, we will have a better picture of what the timeline will be.”
Alexander clarified that the committee’s remit is not to find out if or how any ammunition went missing, but to review the processes in place.
“Our remit is looking into the management process of the management of ammunition in the organisation,” he explained. - Shane Superville