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Tuesday, February 25, 2025

New East Side Dimension tops Panorama Small Bands semis


36 days ago

T&TEC New East Side Di­men­sion topped the se­mi-fi­nals of the Na­tion­al Panora­ma Small Con­ven­tion­al Bands com­pe­ti­tion on Sat­ur­day, scor­ing 275 with its ren­di­tion of Lord Kitch­en­er’s Rain-O-Ra­ma.

The To­ba­go-based steel­band was among 31 small bands com­pet­ing in the se­mi-fi­nals held at Vic­to­ria Square, Port-of-Spain.

The fi­nals are sched­uled to Skin­ner Park, San Fer­nan­do, next Sat­ur­day, when 14 bands will com­pete for the ti­tle.

The re­sults from the se­mi-fi­nals are:

1. T&TEC New East Side Di­men­sion - Rain-O-Ra­ma - 275

2. South­ern Stars Steel Or­ches­tRA (D’South Band) - Mih Lover - 272

First Cit­i­zens To­ba­go Pan­thers - Tiney Winey - 272

4. St Mar­garet’s Su­per Stars - Rack Me Rack Me - 271

Up­town Fas­ci­na­tors - Doh Rock It So - 271

6. T&T De­fence Force Steel Or­ch­es­ta - Swing - 270

Todd’s Road Rhthem Raiders - Go­lo - 270

8. Gold­en Hands - Mih Lover - 269

Tokyo Steel Or­ches­tra - Cheers To Life - 269

10. Panoson­ic Con­nec­tion - Gar­lic Sauce - 268

Fas­cona­tors Pan Sym­pho­ny - Sweet­ness Is My Wesk­ness- 268

12. Fu­sion Steel - Bon­nie and Clyde - 265

13. Ari­ma Gold­en Sym­pho­ny - Gold - 262

Road Block SteelOrches­tra - So­ca Train - 262

15. Har­vard Harps - Full of Vibe - 260

Mo­town Pan The­atre - Tourist Leg­go - 260

17. Ply­mouth Bethes­da Steel Sen­sa­tion - Iron Man - 259

C&B Crown Cor­daans - How Ah Livin - 259

Our Boys Steel Or­ches­tra - Tiney Winey - 259

20. Al­pha Pan Pi­o­neers - Sweet So­ca Man - 258

21. Phoenix Steel Or­ches­tra - Car­ni­val Con­tract - 256

High­landers Steel Or­ches­tra - Hooked - 256

23. La Hor­quet­ta Pan Groove - In­ven­tor - 255

24. West Stars Steel Or­ches­tra - Small Pin - 254

Sim­ple Song Steel Or­ches­tra - Band From Space - 254

26. West Side Sym­pho­ny Steel Or­ches­tra - Play - 252

Bon Sir Rhythm Rock­ers Steel Or­ches­tra - Rum King - 252

Nu Stars Steel Or­ches­tra - How Ah Livin 252

29. Sil­ver Harps - Vir­ginia - 250

30. Kalo­mo Kings - Bac­cha­nal Tima - 244

31. Per­fect Ca­dence Steel Or­ches­tra - How Ah Liv­ing - 242

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