Senior Multimedia Reporter
Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar has refused to address claims from Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley that their relationship soured after she allegedly orchestrated for members of her then-People’s Partnership Cabinet and House Speaker to record into the Hansard that he and his father were rapists.
Instead, Persad-Bissessar has trained her focus on the legality of Stuart Young’s transition as incoming prime minister, calling on Rowley to share the legal opinions he received to support the decision.
Speaking to journalists from Guardian media, TV6 and TTT during an interview which aired on Thursday night as part of his impending departure from office on Sunday Dr Rowley recalled a shared experience with Persad-Bissessar during former South Africa President Nelson Mandela’s funeral in that country but said their relationship deteriorated after their return to T&T.
“When we got there, we stayed in separate hotels. There was a viewing of the body. They take you in order of rank—kings, presidents, prime ministers—and when they called for Prime Minister, she said, ‘Come with me. We went together and viewed Mandela’s body,” Dr Rowley recalled.
He described the moment as significant, given Mandela’s influence.
“On the way there, we travelled in the same car. She raised with me the issue of the unsatisfactory pension system in Parliament and for judges. At the time, Chief Justice Clinton Bernard was in the news, having fallen so far behind he could not manage his affairs. The Prime Minister (Persad-Bissessar) raised it with me. I said, ‘Bring the note, bring the bill, and we will support it.’”
He said their conversation then shifted to environmental concerns.
Dr Rowley said the relationship changed thereafter, however, as he accused Persad-Bissessar of allowing false statements to be recorded in Parliament.
Explaining what occurred then, Dr Rowley said: “That Opposition Leader, when she realised she was facing a difficult election, you know what she did? She organised for members of the Cabinet and the Speaker of the House to come to Parliament to put on the Hansard that my father is a rapist and I am a rapist.”
He reiterated: “Character matters, and I want you to think about that. While there were any sublime moments in South Africa, there were horrible memories here in Trinidad.”
He added: “If that was what you have to do to win political office, then I wish to have never been there.”
Noting his relationship over the years with other politicians, he said, “Character matters. I would tell you, I was very friendly with Basdeo Panday, very friendly with Oma Panday, very friendly with Mikela Panday, Anthony Smart, Selby Wilson because they were first and foremost citizens of mine, professional people, we argue about the same bill so I respect them.”
However, he hinted that Persad-Bissessar was not someone he respected.
“If your conduct is such that I don’t require to respect you, then I won’t disrespect myself,” he said.
Guardian Media reached out to Persad-Bissessar for comment on Rowley’s latest claims yesterday, but she did not respond to questions related to the PM’s assertions about her character.
Instead, she responded about Minister of Energy Stuart Young’s transition to prime minister on Monday, saying, “Rowley must publicly release the legal opinion he claims to have that supports the anointing of Stuart Young as prime minister.”
She noted: “The UNC firmly believes that Young’s appointment is illegal as long as Rowley remains the PNM’s political leader. Only if Rowley steps down simultaneously as both PNM leader and prime minister would Young’s appointment be constitutional.”
Persad-Bissessar also said: “It is an insult to the country that Young, who was not even elected as leader of his own party, is being undemocratically forced upon the population.
“The anointing of Stuart Young as the unelected, illegitimate prime minister of T&T is a coup backed by Young’s financiers in connection with Rowley. It is an act of gross ingratitude and betrayal towards PNM rank-and-file members who have loyally supported Rowley for over 40 years.
“He has betrayed them by taking away their right to select a leader of their choice. Had there been a PNM internal election, it is a fact that Young would have been decisively defeated by Pennelope Beckles. This is also a betrayal of the electorate.”
Persad-Bissessar also said Dr Rowley “has sold the office of prime minister to Young’s highest-bidding financiers. Any actions taken by Young as prime minister, if his appointment proceeds as Rowley intends, would be illegal and invalid.”
Hitting out at Young, she noted: “Young should have some shame—he knows the country is fully aware that he did not earn the position through competence and hard work. Rowley cannot sink any lower; he has sold the country to Stuart Young’s father and his financiers. He must dissolve Parliament and call an election. Let the people decide who they want to lead them.”