“The challenge to return to normalcy is enormous as the anti-vaxxers intensify their campaigns.”
That’s the sentiment shared by the Food and Agricultural Organization Representative Reuben Robertson, as he addressed attendees at the recent graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Food and Agriculture, UWI St Augustine.
He reminded graduands that they were completing a stage of their lives in an historic and unprecedented time, when over five million persons have already lost their lives to the pandemic, which has also strangled the global economy.
“COVID-19 has slowed global economic growth, created dislocation in the global economy, disrupted supply chains, resulting in the closure of some businesses, increasing unemployment and hikes in food prices,” Robertson noted sombrely.
He cited recent reports from the joint discussion among the Director Generals of the World Bank, World Trade Organization, and World Health Organization which indicate that 40% of the global population must be vaccinated by December 2021 and 60-70% by June/July 2022 if the world economy is to return to a state of normalcy.
Currently, the G-20 countries have achieved 60% vaccination while disproportionally, the low income and developing countries are at 4%.
“This growth is projected in large part in the advanced developed countries and will be disproportionate across developing countries depending on the rate of vaccination,” the FAO Representative warned, hinting that regional states will face even tougher times ahead.
“For us in the developing countries, our return to normalcy and some element of positive economic growth is significantly challenged with the current disproportionate distribution of vaccines among the developed countries vis-a-vis the developing and lower-income countries.”
Robertson noted that governments are finding it difficult to meet the monthly salary obligations due to the disruptions and dislocations caused by COVID-19. Therefore, the employment opportunities in the public and private sectors are limited.
He hinted that harnessing the potential of the regional agricultural sector was one way back to normalcy: “The opportunities available for transforming our current food systems are limitless. The application of science, innovation and technology with smart leadership and partnerships can make a difference in your lives, that of your family, society and country. —FAO