Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Stuart stands by Leonce

Prime Minister Stuart Young leaves the Belmont Secondary School after attending the Elections and Boundaries Commission’s preliminary examination of nomination papers yesterday.

Prime Minister Stuart Young leaves the Belmont Secondary School after attending the Elections and Boundaries Commission’s preliminary examination of nomination papers yesterday.


Prime Min­is­ter Stu­art Young has come to the de­fence of Hous­ing Min­is­ter Adri­an Leonce, who has come un­der scruti­ny from the Op­po­si­tion over his now-de­funct busi­ness re­la­tion­ship with a man al­leged­ly linked to crim­i­nal net­works in the Unit­ed States, Eu­rope and the Caribbean.


Dareece Polo


Photo by Shastri Boodan

Photo by Shastri Boodan

Sinanan happy with south highway upgrades, promises more

Works and Trans­port Min­is­ter Ro­han Sinanan wel­comed the re­lief the high­way ex­pan­sion in Ch­agua­nas has brought to com­muters. Speak­ing with the me­dia on Tues­day dur­ing a site vis­it, Sinanan as­sured that ad­di­tion­al up­grades will fur­ther ease traf­fic con­ges­tion.

Photo: President and CEO of the New York Immigration Coalition (NYIC), Murad Awawdeh. (Photo courtesy CANA).

Photo: President and CEO of the New York Immigration Coalition (NYIC), Murad Awawdeh. (Photo courtesy CANA).

US President strips humanitarian parole protection for Haitians, Cubans

Unit­ed States Pres­i­dent Don­ald J. Trump has re­voked the hu­man­i­tar­i­an pa­role pro­gramme, known as the CHNV pro­gramme, for peo­ple from Haiti, Cu­ba, Nicaragua and Venezuela.

A person walks past houses destroyed by wildfires at a village in Yeongyang, South Korea, Wednesday, March 26, 2025. (Yun Kwan-shik/Yonhap via AP)

A person walks past houses destroyed by wildfires at a village in Yeongyang, South Korea, Wednesday, March 26, 2025. (Yun Kwan-shik/Yonhap via AP)

At least 24 dead as wildfires ravage southern South Korea  

Wind-dri­ven wild­fires that were among South Ko­rea’s worst ever have rav­aged the coun­try’s south­ern re­gions, killing 24 peo­ple, de­stroy­ing more than 200 struc­tures and forc­ing 27,000 res­i­dents to evac­u­ate, of­fi­cials said Wednes­day.

Appeal Court overturns ruling on buggery laws in landmark case

The Court of Ap­peal has over­turned a judge's de­ci­sion to up­hold a nov­el con­sti­tu­tion­al chal­lenge over this coun­try's ho­mo­pho­bic bug­gery and se­ri­ous in­de­cen­cy laws.

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Prime Minister Stuart Young leaves the Belmont Secondary School after attending the Elections and Boundaries Commission’s preliminary examination of nomination papers yesterday.

Prime Minister Stuart Young leaves the Belmont Secondary School after attending the Elections and Boundaries Commission’s preliminary examination of nomination papers yesterday.


Stuart stands by Leonce

Prime Min­is­ter Stu­art Young has come to the de­fence of Hous­ing Min­is­ter Adri­an Leonce, who has come un­der scruti­ny from the Op­po­si­tion over his now-de­funct busi­ness re­la­tion­ship with a man al­leged­ly linked to crim­i­nal net­works in the Unit­ed States, Eu­rope and the Caribbean.


Dareece Polo