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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Martin regains T&T Golf Open Pro lead


3 days ago
Ben Martin of T&T, centre, regains the lead in the Professional Division with 213 after scoring a round of 68 (four under par) on the third day of play yesterday. Compatriot Chris Richards Sr., left, lies second (217) with Jamaican Wesley Brown in third at 226. 

Ben Martin of T&T, centre, regains the lead in the Professional Division with 213 after scoring a round of 68 (four under par) on the third day of play yesterday. Compatriot Chris Richards Sr., left, lies second (217) with Jamaican Wesley Brown in third at 226. 

Courtest Clayton Clarke

Ben Mar­tin wres­tled back in­to the lead in the Pro­fes­sion­al Di­vi­sion of the 117th TT Golf Open at the end of the third day at the St. An­drews Golf Course, Mo­ka, Mar­aval on Sat­ur­day.

Mar­tin scorched to an im­pres­sive score of 68 (four un­der par) in the hot con­di­tions to over­take Chris Richards Sr. who was ahead af­ter the first two days. With his 68 Mar­tin amassed 213, four more than Richards Sr. Ja­maicans Wes­ley Brown (226), Justin Bur­rowes (231) were next in third and fourth with Nick Jones of the USA and Ja­maica’s Orville Christie tied on 5th with 237. An­oth­er Ja­maican Se­bert Walk­er Jr.and USA’s Zachary Ramey are joint 7th (239). Lo­cal play­er An­tho­ny Gill (254) in 12th spot.

Chris Richards Sr. jumped ahead in the Cham­pi­onship cat­e­go­ry with 220, five more than ear­ly leader Nathan Gubenko of the USA (225). Last year’s win­ner Zan­dre Roye of Ja­maica moved up to third (226).

Teenag­er Ethan Col­lier stole the spot­light in the First Flight. He was tied on 239 with the leader af­ter two day Di­nesh Jack­ree. How­ev­er, the 14 year old Col­lier got the nod af­ter he shot 81 on Sat­ur­day com­pat­ed with Jack­ree’s 87. An­oth­er teenag­er Ben Laugh­lin is in third (247). Col­lier and Laugh­lin rep­re­sent­ed T&T at the 2024 Caribbean Ju­nior Golf Cham­pi­onships in Ja­maica.

T&T’s Neil Latch­mans­ingh ex­tend­ed his lead in the Se­niors (60 and Over) class with 78 to gross 231. Clint Al­fred was next (233) and Ja­maican Dr. Mark Newn­ham (242).

Sim­i­lar­ly, Nand­lal Ram­lakhan re­mains in the top spot in the Sec­ond Flight on 260. Pramie Sad­hoo (273) and Kissoon Gannes (274) fol­low be­hind,

The 2025 T&T Golf Open comes to an end to­day.

Sat­ur­day'ss T&T Golf Open Re­sults

Stand­ings af­ter Day 2


1. Ben Mar­tin (TTO) 213 (74, 71, 69)

2. Chris Richards Sr. (TTO) 217 (75, 69, 73)

3. Wes­ley Brown (JAM) 116 (78, 77, 71)

4. Justin Bur­rowes (JAM) 231 (75, 87, 75)

5. Nick Jones (USA) 87, 77, 73/Orville Christie (JAM) 77, 81, 79 (237

7. Se­bert Walk­er Jr (JAM) 83, 78, 78/Zachary Rameey (USA) 80, 82, 77 (239)

12. An­tho­ny Gill (TTO) 254 (87, 80. 87)


1. Chris Richards Jr. (TTO( 223 (73, 78, 72)

2. Niki­ta Gubenko (USA) 225 (72, 73, 81)

3. Zan­dre Roye (JAM) 226 (76, 72, 7)

First Flight

1. Ethan Col­lier (TTO) 239 (77, 81, 81)

2. Di­nesh Jack­ie (TTO) 238 (75, 77, 87)

3. Ben Laugh­lin (TTO) 247 (84, 80, 83)

Sec­ond Flight

1. Nan­lal Ram­lakhan (TTO) 260 (86, 88, 86)

2. Pramie Sad­hoo (TTO) 273 (89, 94, 90)

3. Kissoon Gannes (TTO) 274 (94, 96, 84)


1. Neil Lutchamans­ingh (TTO) 231 (75, 78, 78)

2. Clint Al­fred (TTO) 233 (77, 81, 75)

3. Dr. Mark Newn­ham (JAM) 242 (77, 83, 82)

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