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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Leaders Drifters suffer first loss in National 501 League of Darts


Sport Desk
6 days ago
Karen Ramcharan and Adam Da Costa in action for their team, E-Z Lines, during their 7-3 victory over Drifters.

Karen Ramcharan and Adam Da Costa in action for their team, E-Z Lines, during their 7-3 victory over Drifters.

Courtesy TTDA

The 2025 Na­tion­al 501 League of Darts re­mains very much open as Drifters suf­fer first their loss of the sea­son.

Tues­day (March 18) at No 36 New Street, Port-of-Spain was a night pre­dict­ed to be full of dra­ma as the top four teams in the na­tion bat­tle it out for the ti­tle on match­day six in the com­pe­ti­tion host­ed by the T&T Darts As­so­ci­a­tion (TT­DA).

Drifters, who avoid­ed de­feat in match-day five ver­sus De Orig­i­nal Game Shot (DOGS), this time the test got even hard­er as they took on de­fend­ing cham­pi­ons EZ Lines. E-Z Lines raced to a 3-1 lead which was quick­ly ex­tend­ed to 4-1 at the be­gin­ning of the sin­gles round. Kevin Ja­cob, cap­tain of Drifters, held his nerve to win his sin­gles but his troops could not fol­low suit. E-Z Lines went on to win 7-3 see­ing them joint first on 39 points.

DOGS com­plete­ly dom­i­nat­ed Jus For Fun Vikings in their match-up a bat­tle of sec­ond vs fourth. At one stage, DOGS were up 4-1 even­tu­al­ly ex­tend­ed to 6-1 af­ter a very im­pres­sive win by Can­dice Lumkin of DOGS over Kim­ber­li Ri­vas of the Vikings. Za­ck Seales and Michael Ri­vas, cap­tain of the Vikings, did put up some re­sis­tance in the sin­gles round but it was too late and DOGS won the con­test 7-3 to put them joint top.

Scor­pi­ons had a chance of do­ing the dou­ble over Sea Wolves and based on the start they had it looked like it was about to be a wipe­out as they led 3-1 how­ev­er Sea Wolves demon­strat­ed a bril­liant come­back in the sin­gles round win­ning 4/5 do­ing just enough to see out a 5-5 re­sult, their best re­sult in the top flight.

The B di­vi­sion re­mains tight at the top with the top two teams pulling away slight­ly from the pack.

The big match of the evening was Pub House Pi­rates ver­sus Jus For Fun Snipers. The Pi­rates dom­i­nat­ed pro­ceed­ings start­ing off with a 4-0 lead, the Snipers did show a bit of fight in the sin­gles man­ag­ing to pull off three wins but it was all they could pro­duce and the Pi­rates went on to win 7-3 leav­ing them on 40 points at the top. The Shang­hai Bulls re­main in sec­ond place one point be­hind the Pi­rates af­ter an 8-2 win over the Mu­cu­rapo Mus­ke­teers.

The Bulls led 3-1 ear­ly on af­ter the first two brack­ets, The Mus­ke­teers pulled one back in the sin­gles round thanks to Vi­jay Par­badeen how­ev­er it was all Shang­hai Bulls af­ter that.

The vic­to­ry gives them a sev­en-point lead over third place and keeps them firm­ly in the pro­mo­tion­al spot with four more games re­main­ing. Bul­lz I kept up the chase in third place af­ter an im­pres­sive 8-2 vic­to­ry over Reck­less Darts Team.

The ac­tion is sched­uled to con­tin­ue on Tues­day (March 25) with match-day sev­en. New "A" di­vi­sion league co-leader E-Z Lines will take on Jus For Fun Vikings and must win by a hand­some score line as their oth­er op­po­nents have favourable fix­tures. The ac­tion and dra­ma will take place at No 36 New Street, from 8 pm.


E-Z Lines 7 vs Drifters 3

Scor­pi­ons 5 vs Sea Wolves 5

DOGS 7 vs Jus For Fun Vikings 3

Pub House Pi­rates 7 vs jus For Fun Snipers 3

Shang­hai Bulls 8 vs Mu­cu­rapo Mus­ke­teers 2

Flight Friends 6 vs Triple Vi­sion 4

Bull­dogs 6 vs Top Shot 4

Bul­lz I 8 vs Reck­less 2

Tues­day's (March 25) match­es

DOGS vs Scor­pi­ons

E-Z Lines vs Jus For Fun Vikings

Sea Wolves vs Drifters

Shang­hai Bulls vs Ran­dom Squad

Jus For Fun Snipers vs Reck­less

Bul­lz I vs Top Shot

Bull­dogs vs Flight­ed Friends

Triple Vi­sion vs Mu­cu­rapo Mus­ke­teers


A Di­vi­sion



2*E-Z Lines*6*4*1*1*39


4*JFF Vikings*6*3*0*3*33


6*Sea Wolves*6*0*1*5*13

B Di­vi­sion


1*Pub House*6*6*0*0*40

2*Shang­hai Bul­lls*6*4*0*2*39

3*Bul­lz I*5*3*0*2*32

4*JFF Snipers*5*4*0*1*30


6*Triple Vi­sion*6*2*0*4*26

7*Top Shot*6*2*0*4*25

8*Ran­dom Squad*5*2*1*2*25

9*Flight­ed Friends*5*3*0*2*23



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