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Sunday, March 30, 2025

Former world champion Bramble passes away


Sport Desk
5 days ago
Livingston Bramble, left,  was a former WBA lightweight champion.

Livingston Bramble, left, was a former WBA lightweight champion.

BAS­SETERRE, St Kitts – St Kitt’s for­mer World Box­ing As­so­ci­a­tion light­weight cham­pi­on Liv­ingston Bram­ble has re­port­ed­ly passed away.

Ac­cord­ing to the Unit­ed States Vir­gin Is­lands Dai­ly News, Bram­ble, who sky­rock­et­ed to fame in the 1980s with thrilling fights against Ray “Boom Boom” Manci­ni, died Sat­ur­day at the age of 64.

The cause of death was not pub­licly dis­closed.

Bram­ble, a Rasta­far­i­an, al­so known as Ras-I Alu­jah Bram­ble, was raised in St Croix where his in­ter­est in box­ing start­ed.

He made a name for him­self with back-to-back vic­to­ries over the re­lent­less Manci­ni in 1984 and 1985, cap­tur­ing and suc­cess­ful­ly de­fend­ing the WBA light­weight ti­tle.

Bram­ble lost his ti­tle to Ed­win “El Chapo” Rosario in 1986, and con­tin­ued to box for more than a decade, but was nev­er able to repli­cate his ear­ly suc­cess.

His fi­nal record stood at 40 wins, 26 loss­es and 3 draws, with 25 of his vic­to­ries com­ing by knock­out.

In a state­ment, the WBA de­scribed Bram­ble as an “un­der­rat­ed” and “ec­cen­tric” fight­er.

“Bram­ble was a true wild­card — an un­ortho­dox fight­er whose skill and dura­bil­i­ty were of­ten un­der­rat­ed. He de­fend­ed his belt twice, once in a re­match against Manci­ni and then against Ty­rone Craw­ley,” the state­ment said.

“Be­yond his abil­i­ty in the ring, Bram­ble was known for his ec­cen­tric per­son­al­i­ty. A ded­i­cat­ed veg­e­tar­i­an and an avid snake lover, he fa­mous­ly walked to the ring with a live rep­tile draped around his shoul­ders, a spec­ta­cle that fas­ci­nat­ed fight fans.”


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