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Sunday, March 30, 2025

Barnes beats Urquhart for Girls' U-19 title


Walter Alibey
14 days ago
FILE - T’Shelle Barnes beat top seed Amara Urquhart to claim the Girls' U-19 title.

FILE - T’Shelle Barnes beat top seed Amara Urquhart to claim the Girls' U-19 title.

Daniel Prentice

Num­ber two-seed in the Girls Un­der-19 sin­gles T'Shelle Barnes pulled off an up­set of top seed Ama­ra Urquhart to claim the ti­tle at the Ju­nior Na­tion­al Bad­minton Tour­na­ment at the Na­tion­al Rac­quet Cen­tre in Tacarigua, Sun­day.

Both Urquhart and Barnes are stand­out play­ers in the ju­nior di­vi­sion for T&T, how­ev­er, Urquhart who won the bat­tle of CARE­BA­CO (Caribbean Re­gion­al Bad­minton Con­fed­er­a­tion) Cham­pi­onship sin­gles win­ners over Barnes in Jan­u­ary was ex­pect­ed to walk away with the crown, while Barnes silent­ly sought re­venge, which she got.

In the fi­nal, Urquhart ex­pect­ed­ly took the ad­van­tage 22-20 in the first set. Barnes came from be­hind in the sec­ond to knot up the scores 1-1 with a 21-16 vic­to­ry to push the match to a third de­cid­ing set which Barnes pre­vailed in 21-14 to lift the crown.

Lat­er on, Barnes re­turned to the field with Is­abelle Waller in the girl's dou­bles to claim her sec­ond ti­tle by de­feat­ing the pair of Na­talia Hen­ry and Kara Ash­ley Robert­son 21-10, 21-7.

Urquhart got some form of re­venge over Barnes when the two met in the U-19 mixed dou­bles af­ter she paired with Jonathan Julien to get the bet­ter of Barnes and Jace Smith in three sets 10-21, 22-20, 21-14.

But the top seed in the girls' U-17 cat­e­go­ry, Samiya Karim en­sured she did not suf­fer a sim­i­lar fate in the fi­nal against sec­ond-seed Ten­niya To­bias. Karim, who won four match­es in straight sets fol­low­ing a first-round bye en route to cap­tur­ing the age-group crown in style at the Caribbean East­er Bad­minton Tour­na­ment in Suri­name last year, wrapped up the ti­tle in two sets, beat­ing To­bias 21-16, 21-13.

Lat­er, Azaria Gaskin took two sets to de­feat top-seed Rishelle Bopodoos­ingh for the girls' U-15 crown 21-18, 21-18. Gaskin, like Barnes joined forces to re­ceive her sec­ond ti­tle of the tour­na­ment. Gaskin lat­er teamed up with Chi­jioke Kalu to dis­pose of the pair of Lo­gan Wait­he and Rishelle Boodoos­ingh in straight sets 21-13, 21-13.

In the boy's U-15 cat­e­go­ry, Liam Per­sad dis­missed Kalu 21-18-21-12, and lat­er they com­bined for the boys' dou­bles crown by beat­ing the two­some of Ja­van Ram­jass and Lo­gan Wait­he 21-12, 21-17.

Oth­er win­ners at the tour­na­ment in­clud­ed De­von­nye Vin­cent who clob­bered Ke­naiya Gan­goo for the girls' U-11 ti­tle 21-6, 21-11; Ethan Ram­cha­ran de­feat­ed Kaveer Ra­moutar 21-12, 21-11 for the boys' U-19 crown; Asia Lee Waller de­feat­ed Ka­ia Jan for the girls' U-13 ti­tle 21-7, 21-5; and Liam Ra­jku­mar got the bet­ter of Zi­dan Ho­sein 21-6, 21-10 for the boys' U-13 crown.

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