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Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Three more detained under SOE orders


Jensen La Vende
19 days ago
FILE - Police officers go back to their vehicles after conducting an SoE exercise in St Paul Street, Port-of-Spain, in January 2025.

FILE - Police officers go back to their vehicles after conducting an SoE exercise in St Paul Street, Port-of-Spain, in January 2025.


Jensen La Vende

Three more men are now de­tained un­der the state of emer­gency or­ders af­ter Na­tion­al Se­cu­ri­ty Min­is­ter Fitzger­ald Hinds is­sued de­ten­tion or­ders yes­ter­day.

This brings the to­tal num­ber of de­tainees to six since the state of emer­gency be­gan on 30 De­cem­ber last year.

The de­tainees are Kevon Bocage of Toma­to Trace, Diego Mar­tin; Jonathan Bushell, al­so known as Frog­gy, of Jern­ing­ham Street, Bel­mont; and Ezekiel Mor­ris, al­so known as Easy, of Awai Lands, Bel­mont. They are now held at the Max­i­mum Se­cu­ri­ty Prison in Arou­ca.

The three were de­tained to pre­vent them from jeop­ar­dis­ing pub­lic safe­ty and join Shum­ba James, Joshua Roberts, and Calvin Lee.

Roberts was re­port­ed­ly re­cruit­ed to at­tack prison of­fi­cers, while James was de­tained to stop a plot to mur­der state wit­ness­es. Lee, the al­leged leader of the Sixx Gang, was held for sus­pect­ed gang in­volve­ment.

The de­ten­tions fol­lowed Po­lice Le­gal Of­fi­cer Sergeant Ver­son Jeanville’s state­ment last Fri­day that po­lice had files on ad­di­tion­al sus­pects and would pro­vide up­dates soon.

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