Senior Reporter/Producer
After intense criticism from Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley, Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar has come under fire from political parties and even a United National Congress (UNC) MP for attempting to frame the court case and corruption allegations against Dr Roodal Moonilal as a racially motivated attack. They believe that the electorate is no longer willing to tolerate divisive, race-based politics.
But Persad-Bissessar has fired back, saying that she simply said publicly what others whisper in private.
In a statement on his social media page, Cumuto/Manzanilla MP Dr Rai Ragbir, who is out of favour with Persad-Bissessar, lamented that instead of addressing the allegations levelled against her deputy leader regarding the Estate Management and Business Development Company Ltd (EMBD), she decided to stoke racial tensions.
“It is ironic that someone who loudly professes to be “anti-woke” has now conveniently decided to play the race card for political mileage. Instead of uniting people, she is seeking to divide them—a strategy that will only lead to further disillusionment among UNC supporters and ensure that the UNC crashes to a third straight defeat in the coming general election,” Dr Ragbir stated.
Dr Ragbir added, “I will continue to pray for Kamla Persad-Bissessar and hope that she seeks the help she clearly needs for both her physical and mental well-being.”
He urged citizens to not let politicians turn them against each other for their own selfish gain.
Meanwhile, Patriotic Front leader Mickela Panday said her party was “unwavering in its condemnation of the recent racially charged comments that seek to divide the people of T&T.”
On Thursday, when asked by the media if she believes Dr Moonilal is the victim of a political witch-hunt, Persad-Bissessar said, “This is just the same lame and lazy electioneering from the PNM for their base so they can run their racist ground campaign that ‘all of them Indian is thief’.”
Panday believes any attempt to use race to incite the population is an attack on the soul of the republic.
“What it does is it starts negative commentary on social media; people start bashing each other, and how does that help anybody? So yes, what she said triggered my statement because I saw so much vile rhetoric on social media,” Panday told Guardian Media.
Panday said this will also turn young people away from involving themselves in politics.
“They don’t want to hear this, especially when young people have so many other things to worry about now. Besides crime, they have no opportunities, no job opportunities, so how does this help them? And how does this help anybody?”
The Patriotic Front leader added, “What the Opposition should be doing is speaking about solutions. We know what the PNM has done; they have failed the country going on to ten years, and we know that. But you see, when you come and you start that race-baiting, I have to stand up and say something against that because normally I ignore them,” she said.
National Transformation Alliance (NTA) leader Gary Griffith said Persad-Bissessar’s comment reeks of hypocrisy.
In a media release, Griffith stated, “When similar investigations by the TTPS were conducted into individuals affiliated with other political parties—including high-ranking members of the People’s National Movement (PNM)—no such allegations of racial bias were made. The public will recall the investigation into Roger Kawalsingh and a high-ranking member of the PNM, as well as investigations into the dealings of Camille Robinson-Regis, Marlene McDonald, and even Prime Minister Keith Rowley himself.”
Griffith said if there was a plot to go after people of Indian descent, then Persad-Bissessar would never have been exonerated from issues such as Emailgate and the plant-like substance matters at her home.
“This is why the attempt to now frame legal scrutiny as racial targeting only serves to inflame tensions and mislead the public, all in the name of potentially rallying her political base,” he said.
In a short reply to Guardian Media via WhatsApp yesterday, the Opposition Leader said, “Don’t be mad at me for being truthful; I only said publicly what everyone whispers about privately.”
In response to Ragbir’s pledge to pray for her, Persad-Bissessar said, “I am always thankful for any prayers that are sent my way. My only request is that he use a different prayer from the one he uses for himself because that clearly didn’t work out for him.”