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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Returning Officers get Writs of Election


5 days ago
Returning Officers for the Parliamentary Elections 2025, Front L-R: Commissioner Karla Drayton-Edwards, Chairman Mark Ramkerrysingh, and Chief Election Officer Fern Narcis-Scope. Photo courtesy of the EBC.

Returning Officers for the Parliamentary Elections 2025, Front L-R: Commissioner Karla Drayton-Edwards, Chairman Mark Ramkerrysingh, and Chief Election Officer Fern Narcis-Scope. Photo courtesy of the EBC.

The 41 per­sons who were ap­point­ed to serve as Re­turn­ing Of­fi­cers for the April 28, 2025 Gen­er­al Elec­tions were pre­sent­ed with Writs of Elec­tion is­sued by Pres­i­dent Chris­tine Kan­ga­loo giv­ing them the au­thor­i­ty to cause a poll to be tak­en in their re­spec­tive

elec­toral dis­tricts on be­half of the Elec­tions and Bound­aries Com­mis­sion (EBC).

In an ad­dress to the Re­turn­ing Of­fi­cers and prospec­tive Elec­tion Clerks, Fern Nar­cis-Scope, Chief Elec­tion Of­fi­cer, com­mend­ed at­ten­dees for their ded­i­ca­tion to the elec­toral process.

She high­light­ed the vi­tal role they play in up­hold­ing de­mo­c­ra­t­ic prin­ci­ples, stress­ing that fair­ness and ac­count­abil­i­ty are es­sen­tial in strength­en­ing pub­lic con­fi­dence and en­sur­ing the cred­i­bil­i­ty of free and fair elec­tions.

Pamela Ogiste, As­sis­tant Chief Elec­tion Of­fi­cer, al­so em­pha­sised the theme of “Build­ing Bridges and Fos­ter­ing Trust in the Elec­toral Process.” She high­light­ed that elec­tions are the foun­da­tion of democ­ra­cy and that pub­lic con­fi­dence in the sys­tem re­lies not on­ly on the rules and reg­u­la­tions up­held but al­so on the in­tegri­ty, pro­fes­sion­al­ism, and ded­i­ca­tion of those who ad­min­is­ter the process.

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