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Sunday, March 16, 2025

Police hunt man who killed elderly labourer, stabbed cousin


Radhica De Silva
12 days ago

Po­lice are search­ing for a man who stabbed an el­der­ly labour­er to death be­fore at­tack­ing his cousin at their Vista­bel­la home on Car­ni­val Mon­day.

Lennox Williams, 64, suf­fered stab wounds to the ab­domen and lat­er died at the San Fer­nan­do Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal. His cousin, Lyn­don Gumbs, 44, a nurs­ing as­sis­tant, re­mains in sta­ble con­di­tion.

Po­lice said the sus­pect knew Gumbs and fre­quent­ly vis­it­ed Cen­tral Street, Vista­bel­la, where the cousins lived with oth­er rel­a­tives.

Around 2:10 am, po­lice re­ceived a dis­tress call. When of­fi­cers ar­rived, they met Kevin Williams, 20, who said he was sleep­ing down­stairs when a loud al­ter­ca­tion up­stairs woke him. He alert­ed his fa­ther, Ken­neth Williams, Lennox Williams’ broth­er, who went up­stairs and found Williams and Gumbs bleed­ing. The sus­pect had al­ready fled.

Ken­neth took Gumbs to the hos­pi­tal, while emer­gency re­spon­ders trans­port­ed Williams to the same fa­cil­i­ty, where he suc­cumbed to his in­juries an hour lat­er.

Gumbs told po­lice he was asleep when he felt a burn­ing sen­sa­tion on his face. He saw the sus­pect stand­ing over him with a knife. The as­sailant threat­ened to kill him. Gumbs said Williams then emerged from a room, and the sus­pect stabbed him in the ab­domen be­fore flee­ing.

In­ves­ti­ga­tors con­tin­ue search­ing for the sus­pect. Any­one with in­for­ma­tion can con­tact Crime Stop­pers at 800-TIPS.


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