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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Parang singer Susan Maicoo dead at 62


2 days ago

Parang singer Su­san Maicoo, renowned for her time­less con­tri­bu­tions to Trinidad and To­ba­go's Christ­mas mu­sic, has passed away at the age of 62. She died on Sun­day ac­cord­ing to rel­a­tives.

Maicoo's health strug­gles be­came pub­lic in Feb­ru­ary but her hus­band, Rawle, re­mained hope­ful that she would sing again. 

Hail­ing from Fyz­abad, Maicoo was wide­ly loved for her parang clas­sics, in­clud­ing "Tri­ni Christ­mas is the Best" and "Daisy Gone," a heart­felt trib­ute to parang leg­end Daisy Voisin. Her 1988 hit, "Tri­ni Christ­mas," has be­come syn­ony­mous with the fes­tive sea­son in Trinidad and To­ba­go, cap­tur­ing the essence of a true Tri­ni Christ­mas. In No­vem­ber 2023, over 30 years af­ter re­tir­ing from per­form­ing so­ca parang, Maicoo col­lab­o­rat­ed with Dig­i­cel to re­vamp this clas­sic, aim­ing to in­tro­duce it to a new gen­er­a­tion. 


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