Fishermen demonstrated outside the Orange Valley fish market on Wednesday, calling for the return of Ramona Ramdial as the United National Congress’ (UNC) candidate for Couva North.
The UNC Selection Committee chose to replace Ramona Ramdial with Ravi Ratiram, a former Deputy General Manager of PTSC.
The group of protesting fishermen assembled around 5 am at the fish market, bearing placards.
Public Relations Officer of the Orange Valley Pirogue Association, Anthony Henry, told Guardian Media why they chose to stage this morning’s protest.
”She did a lot for us. When the fishermen died, she supported us to the fullest; she did her duty,” he stated. “We don’t want anybody from Rousillac. If no Ramona, no vote.”
Henry said the UNC should not trample on the rights of its supporters simply because they are in a safe seat.
The PRO of the Orange Valley Pirogue Association Anthony Henry (2nd from left), and fishermen show placards in support of booted UNC MP Ramona Ramdial, when they gathered outside the Orange Valley Fish Market, around 5 am on Wednesday. (Image: SHASTRI BOODAN)
One individual, who did not wish to be identified, said the UNC was stalling to meet constituents and listen to their concerns.
Other fishermen said they had received tremendous support from Ramdial on several issues, including action when they could not fish because of an oil spill.