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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Murder victim’s family appeals for justice


3 days ago
Terry Aaron

Terry Aaron

Se­nior Re­porter


The fam­i­ly of 36-year-old Ter­ry Aaron is call­ing for jus­tice af­ter he was gunned down last No­vem­ber 9.

Aaron, a res­i­dent of Union Vil­lage, Na­pari­ma Ma­yaro Road, was lim­ing at the Fifty Shades of Gold Bar late that night when he was fa­tal­ly shot.

Eye­wit­ness­es said around 11.45 pm, two armed men emerged from the bush­es op­po­site the bar and opened fire on Aaron and his cousin.

Aaron died, while his cousin was in­jured in the at­tack.

Near­ly five months lat­er, rel­a­tives say they are still griev­ing and liv­ing in fear, as the killers re­main at large.

“The men who killed Ter­ry are still walk­ing around, threat­en­ing our fam­i­ly,” Aaron’s fa­ther, Fran­cis Flo­res, said.

“We fear for our lives every day, and we are still mourn­ing our loss. We need the high­er au­thor­i­ties to step in and en­sure jus­tice is served.”

He added: “It has been four months since he died, and we haven’t seen any form of jus­tice, ei­ther from the po­lice or any oth­er side. All we’ve seen is the peo­ple we know were in­volved in his killing walk­ing freely in the streets. The po­lice nev­er came.”

He said his son had re­port­ed an in­ci­dent on the Sat­ur­day be­fore he was shot to the Rio Claro Po­lice Sta­tion.

Aaron’s sis­ter, Moe­sha,o voiced her con­cern: “We haven’t re­ceived any jus­tice. We are fear­ful for our lives. We can’t even go to his gar­den, where he worked so hard.

“His nieces and nephews are still griev­ing. No­body has come for­ward, no po­lice, no one. We are reach­ing out to the au­thor­i­ties to ask what can be done to help us get jus­tice for my broth­er.”

The fam­i­ly are ap­peal­ing for a thor­ough in­ves­ti­ga­tion in­to Aaron’s mur­der.

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