Gail Alexander
Senior Political Reporter
United National Congress deputy leader Roodal Moonilal has blamed Energy Minister Stuart Young and Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley’s relationship with the Venezuelan government, for creating a climate which led to an alleged situation in which 80 per cent of the passengers on a Caribbean Airlines flight to Orlando, USA, were yesterday subjected to strenuous secondary security screening.
“That is where we’ve reached under Young, Hinds and Rowley—that, today, in America when you travel, you’re subjected to secondary screening in the US!” Moonilal claimed at last night’s UNC cottage meeting at the Chaguanas South Secondary school.
Moonilal claimed Young’s trips to Venezuela concluded one week before Venezuela’s election. Asking what the trip was for, he asked if Young hasn’t stated who he met with in Venezuela because T&T had signed a non-disclosure agreement not to disclose the identity of any Venezuelan government official he had met with.
In a reference to the new Donald Trump administration’s crackdown on illegal immigration in the US, Moonilal claimed the People’s National Movement was “playing bad” and in Parliament had asked the UNC, “What Trump could do we?”
Moonilal added, “Well I want to tell you all something today (Monday)—it start. This morning (Monday) Caribbean Airlines BW482 departed T&T at 8 am and arrived in Orlando International Airport at more or less noon.
“That flight originated from T&T—80 per cent of the passengers were subjected to secondary security selection.
“What that means is that 80 per cent of the passengers—that is eight out of ten—were placed in special jackets they had to put on. They were ushered, carted away to a security room where they were subjected to a much more aggressive pat down. Their luggage was searched again and some also had to undertake swabbing of electronic devices for explosive residue.
“T&T, this paradise, that is where we reach! It’s only a matter of time before that (US) government decides that those PNM officials and their families will have their visas revoked!” he claimed.
He added, “I don’t mind that—that’s PNM and their families, but it will also involve ordinary innocent citizens ... because of Young, Hinds and Rowley, you’ll be subjected to all kinds of treatment that you were not before, given this Government playing hanky-panky and footsie with Maduro.
“That is what will happen in American airports in the coming days and Stuart Young and Rowley led us there!” he claimed.
Moonilal, who questioned why the PNM didn’t hold their 69th-anniversary function last Saturday at their Balisier House head office instead of NAPA, called for the police probe and international agencies to probe the mystery vessel found recently with five bodies aboard.