A report into the death of 60-year-old Ijaz "EG" Haniff has been submitted to the Chief Medical Officer Dr Roshan Parasram and sent to the Southwest Regional Health Authority (SWRHA).
The SWRHA is expected to meet with Haniff's family at a later date to discuss the findings.
Haniff, a cardiac patient, was inoculated with the AstraZeneca vaccine and within eight days he developed blood clots, became paralysed and subsequently died.
Parasram confirmed the report on Saturday at the Ministry of Health's COVID-19 update.
"The Southwest Regional Health Authority would have submitted to my office a clinic report related to that particular event. I have also sent it to my haematologist who works at the Ministry of Health," Parasram said.
"The matter is before the SWRHA, who has contacted the relatives of that particular individual and they would be having a full disclosure clinical meeting with all the clinician involved in the near future."
He said that once that was completed, the SWRHA may issue a statement to update the public.
Parasram said that most people who have had the injection described pain at the injection site and mild symptoms that have all been resolved.
Parasram said that instances of blood clots after the injection are "extremely rare" even though it has triggered a suspension of the AstraZeneca vaccine by some 18 countries throughout the world.
"It is an extremely rare complication of the vaccine. There is nothing you can take before you have the vaccine to offset the sort of reaction that may happen, nothing that is recommended by WHO at this time," he said.
Parasram said if anyone had an allergic reaction to the first shot then they should have the second follow-up injection.
Meanwhile, Tobago has rolled into phase 2 of its vaccination process where people under 60 are now being inoculated. Trinidad is still in the first phase.