Economist Professor Roger Hosein believes that while the public would be happy with Government’s decision to delay the implementation of increased electricity rates, this means the debt-riddled Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission’s (T&TEC) suffering will be prolonged.
Speaking with Guardian Media on Saturday, Public Utilities Minister Marvin Gonzales said the implementation of the Regulated Industries Commission’s (RIC) recommendations for increased rates was not something that will progress during the course of this year.
Yesterday, however, Hosein said the population would be happy about this but it is still ignoring T&TEC’s plight.
“Most people would not pay attention to the fact that T&TEC would probably have to carry their subsidy further into the future, and about the viability and functioning of T&TEC as it pertains to enhancing revenue inflows in the context of no rate increase, people will not go that way or think in that direction,” Hosein explained, noting most citizens are too preoccupied with their own economic challenges.
“Their salaries since 2014 in most cases have not increased and food prices increased very sharply since 2014, and they are now getting an extra grace period with the electricity rates unchanged in order to survive.”
He said apart from this being an election year Government is also aware the economy is in a poor state.
However, Hosein warned, “Somebody will have to pay for it because this will have an adverse impact on T&TEC’s bottom line, so perhaps as soon as the election is done we will see the rate increase, as it is a necessary intervention as argued by the minister himself in several places.”
In November 2024, Gonzales told the Parliament that T&TEC owes the National Gas Company (NGC) around $6.16 billion for the supply of natural gas.
Commenting further on the national economy, Hosein revealed that the macro-economic variables paint a worrying picture.
“We commonly hear about real GDP about 17 per cent less than in 2015. The labour force participation rate is the lowest since 2004. And I checked last night and believe it or not, the stock of (foreign exchange) reserves minus external debt for November 2024 is now negative,” Hosein said.
Hosein said if this continues, the country may need to seek external help to keep its utility companies afloat.
“Moving into the future though, we have no choice, we would have to correct all these things and if it is the difference between reserves and debt continues to be negative, if growth continues to be very poor, who knows, we may have to get support from one of the multilateral lending agencies in one form or the other to implement changes in the economy that will rebalance the economy and help entities like T&TEC operate at a more break-even level in terms of revenues being aligned closer to cost,” he explained.
Speaking on Saturday at the PNM’s 69th-anniversary celebrations, Trade Minister Paula Gopee-Scoon defended the state of the economy, saying T&T is not in a bad place.
“This economy is not doing badly. It is buttressed and supported by the non-energy sector we need to do more but there is every hope that the energy sector will rebound through what is put in place by the Energy Minister and the Prime Minister,” she told Guardian Media.
Meanwhile, political analyst Dr Bishnu Ragoonath is not buying Minister Gonzales’ denial that the delay in the T&TEC rate increase is not due to this year’s general elections.
Gonzales on Saturday said, “The PNM does not run the country by thinking about elections.”
However, Dr Ragoonath said yesterday that the PNM is aware of the price it can pay at the polls.
“For all intents and purposes, the base of the party is not necessarily the one per cent or upper middle class, the base of the PNM is really the lower-class people who would be called upon to dig deeper into their pockets to find money to pay for higher electricity rates should that have come. They’ve already insisted last year that they collected property taxes, so clearly I don’t think the Government is willing to run the risk of imposing yet another increase on the already burdened population, knowing full well they are going into another election,” he argued.
But he too warned that any government coming into office will have to seriously consider how they are going to continue to fund not only T&TEC but the Water and Sewerage Authority (WASA).
“We really have to wait and see what the manifesto promises would be from the various political parties. But I could very well see regardless of it is UNC or PNM, that they would have to take a very hard look at how they continue to fund utility companies in T&T to increase the ability of those companies to continue to survive,” Ragoonath said.
Ragoonath, however, blamed the current Government for its handling of this country’s thrust towards renewable energy.
“So we have to stick with our current sources of energy, electricity, and that comes at a significant cost. So, whoever becomes government will have to deal with that,” he added.
Also commenting on Gonzales’ announcement, UNC shadow public utilities minister Barry Padarath claimed the PNM is desperate at the moment and its “election handlers” had told the party to hold off on that decision.
Padarath believes Gonzales must say more on why such a decision was taken but went further in calling on the government to scrap any increase to utility rates.
“I therefore challenge the Government to say to the population that they will scrap introducing any new water and electricity rates over the period of the next five years should they return to office. The population must go into this election with their eyes wide open on this issue and the Government must say very clearly what their position is ahead of the general election,” Padarath said.
In October 2023, the RIC, after months of public and private consultations, proposed a residential increase ranging from 15 to 64 per cent, an increase for commercial customers from 37 to 51 per cent, industrial customers will see an increase between 58 to 72 per cent, while an increase between 199 to 126 per cent was suggested for E class industrial customers.