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Thursday, March 27, 2025

Corrections Policy


310 days ago
Corrections 2

Corrections 2

The vi­sion of Guardian Me­dia is to be the lead­ing news­room in the re­gion, guid­ed by glob­al stan­dards of ac­cu­ra­cy and fair­ness. We are aware that in jour­nal­ism, mis­takes hap­pen. At Guardian Me­dia, we ac­knowl­edge our er­rors and re­spond ex­pe­di­tious­ly when they are brought to our at­ten­tion.

Guardian Me­dia con­sid­ers an er­ror to be any­thing pub­lished or broad­cast that is gram­mat­i­cal­ly or fac­tu­al­ly wrong, lacks the prop­er con­text, or, by its com­po­si­tion, helps to cre­ate the wrong im­pres­sion.

When­ev­er our ed­i­to­r­i­al de­part­ment is made aware of er­rors or in­ac­cu­ra­cies, we com­mit to cor­rect­ing them in a time­ly man­ner. In a cor­rec­tion, clar­i­fi­ca­tion or ed­i­tor's note, our goal is to tell read­ers, as clear­ly and quick­ly as pos­si­ble, what we got wrong and how we cor­rect­ed our er­ror.

Read­ers who wish to alert ed­i­tors to a cor­rec­tion can email cor­rec­ On­line read­ers can al­so alert us through our so­cial me­dia in­box­es. In cas­es where jour­nal­ists in the news­room iden­ti­fy the er­ror af­ter pub­li­ca­tion or broad­cast, they will work with an ed­i­tor to make the nec­es­sary cor­rec­tion.

Some re­quests may re­quire more time to de­ter­mine whether the pub­lished or broad­cast con­tent was fac­tu­al­ly or con­tex­tu­al­ly wrong.

Er­rors can range from ty­pos and mis­spellings to in­for­ma­tion that mis­rep­re­sents the facts.

Ir­rel­e­vant or in­cor­rect im­ages may al­so cre­ate the need for clar­i­fi­ca­tions or cor­rec­tions, even if the ac­com­pa­ny­ing script is ac­cu­rate. In a cor­rec­tion, clar­i­fi­ca­tion or ed­i­tor's note, our goal is to help read­ers un­der­stand how and why an er­ror has been cor­rect­ed.

Cor­rec­tions: If we are sub­stan­tive­ly cor­rect­ing an ar­ti­cle, pho­to cap­tion, head­line, graph­ic, video or oth­er ma­te­r­i­al, we will prompt­ly pub­lish a cor­rec­tion ex­plain­ing the change.

Clar­i­fi­ca­tions: When our jour­nal­ism is fac­tu­al­ly ac­cu­rate but gave the wrong im­pres­sion, the sto­ry will be re-edit­ed and a clar­i­fi­ca­tion added to the sto­ry. A clar­i­fi­ca­tion will al­so be ap­pend­ed if we failed to seek rel­e­vant re­spons­es and when new re­port­ing has been added to the sto­ry.

Ed­i­tor’s notes: A cor­rec­tion that calls in­to ques­tion the re­port­ing in an ar­ti­cle, rais­es a sig­nif­i­cant eth­i­cal mat­ter or ad­dress­es why an ar­ti­cle did not meet our own stan­dards, may re­quire an ed­i­tor’s note ex­plain­ing how we got it wrong.

When nec­es­sary, Guardian Me­dia may note that an er­ror was the re­sult of a pro­duc­tion prob­lem or be­cause in­cor­rect in­for­ma­tion came to Guardian Me­dia from a trust­ed source, such as wire ser­vices, archived ma­te­r­i­al or in­di­vid­u­als quot­ed in our sto­ries.

In cor­rect­ing er­rors of li­bel and defama­tion, Guardian Me­dia will not re­peat the of­fend­ing state­ment.

Cor­rec­tions shall be pub­lished on Page 6 of the Guardian News­pa­per.

For on­line on­ly ar­ti­cles, a note about what has been cor­rect­ed or clar­i­fied will be ap­pend­ed to the end of the sto­ry.

If a new and im­por­tant fact aris­es af­ter a sto­ry is pub­lished, Guardian Me­dia will ex­plain what has been up­dat­ed at the end of the ar­ti­cle.

Cor­rec­tions will be made when names and places are mis­spelled.

Dur­ing break­ing news, sto­ries may re­quire up­dat­ing to re­flect more ac­cu­rate in­for­ma­tion. When we make such an up­date, we will ex­plain these changes.

Guardian Me­dia rarely re­moves pub­lished news con­tent from our on­line plat­forms. When we do, the con­tent will be re­placed with an ed­i­tor’s note ex­plain­ing in de­tail why the ar­ti­cle was re­moved.

Editorial Policy

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