Surujdeo Mangaroo, cultural affairs chairman of the Hindi Foundation of T&T has expressed concern that the Chutney Soca Monarch (CSM) competition contributes to the demise of Indian culture in T&T.
Mangaroo said he has nothing against George Singh, promoter of the event, but is against the bankrupt lyrics put forward by artistes who enter the competition.
He expressed those views yesterday during a function at which Surinamese singer Pundit Kries Ramkhelewan handed over a pair of Nagara drums to the ISHA Organisation in Freeport.
“I have followed the CSM from the beginning; there is a deterioration in the quality of the performance; they have butchered the lyrics and it’s all about one special type of song,” he said.
“We have to come up with nation-building songs, meaningful songs, songs that could lift your community, lift the society, not this kind of rum and rum. I don’t like it. I might be criticised for it, but I don’t mind. A lot of us put a lot of work into the promotion, sustenance and development of Indian Culture and that is not one of the avenues I would want to support.”
Mangaroo said artistes who participate in the CSM have shown that they can come up with better songs outside of the competition.
He declared that “butchering lyrics” is not the way to go” and appealed to chutney soca artistes to “come better than that, bring something meaningful to the society.”
In an immediate response, Singh maintained that East Indian culture is “definitely not on the decline” in T&T.
“Both the Chutney Soca Monarch and the Divali Nagar, the two largest annual Indo events, are growing exponentially,” he said.
“Interestingly, Mr Mangaroo is a vice president of the NCIC, the organisation that promotes the Divali Nagar.”
Singh added, “On another note, we have been working every year for the last 14 years meeting with artistes, doing workshops, discussing the topics and lyrical content of chutney soca music. I want to say unequivocally that the lyrical content of chutney soca music has improved dramatically.
“The Chutney Soca Monarch is actually on the rise and this year will see the CSM reach global audiences like never before. The CSM has been instrumental in creating an industry that never existed before and, today, affects the lives and livelihoods of Indo-Caribbean artistes globally. The CSM is now the most important Indo-Caribbean event in the world!
“Southex and USA-based International Film Group have signed a historic TV distribution deal for CSM’s 30th Anniversary Show. The show will now be distributed across multiple platforms and linear channels around the globe.”