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Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Accident victim's family appeals for autopsy, body released to them


Shastri Boodan
21 days ago
Hardeo Manohar

Hardeo Manohar

Shas­tri Boodan

Rel­a­tives of a man who died in a freak ac­ci­dent are ap­peal­ing to the rel­e­vant au­thor­i­ties to con­duct an au­top­sy and re­lease the body be­fore Jan­u­ary 30.

Hard­eo Manohar, 63, died on Jan­u­ary 21 when a truck backed up on him. Manohar, an em­ploy­ee of a cen­tral-based road paving com­pa­ny, was giv­ing di­rec­tions to a truck dri­ver re­vers­ing on­to the Man­zanil­la-Ma­yaro Road. The truck rolled over him, killing him in­stant­ly. Jan­u­ary 21 was sup­posed to be his sec­ond-to-last day on the job.

Al­isha Sook­er, 26, Manohar’s grand­daugh­ter, said rel­a­tives are be­ing giv­en the run-around at the Foren­sic Sci­ence Cen­tre. Sook­er said, “He died Tues­day (22 Jan­u­ary). On Wednes­day, we iden­ti­fied the body, and they as­sured us we would get the body on Fri­day. Up to to­day, we haven’t got­ten a call from them.”

Sook­er added that their pun­dit ad­vised the rit­u­als should be per­formed be­fore Jan­u­ary 30, as the pe­ri­od af­ter is a “bad time.”

Kei­th Scot­land, Min­is­ter in the Min­istry of Na­tion­al Se­cu­ri­ty, said he would look in­to the mat­ter and un­der­stands the fam­i­ly’s need to com­plete their re­li­gious rites.

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