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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

6 arrested, officers seize firearms, ammunition and narcotics


3 days ago

Of­fi­cers of the East­ern Di­vi­sion have ar­rest­ed six in­di­vid­u­als and seized firearms, am­mu­ni­tion, and nar­cotics fol­low­ing var­i­ous op­er­a­tions on Sat­ur­day.

The op­er­a­tion was car­ried out be­tween 4:00 pm and 8:00 pm along the East­ern Main Road and Man­zanil­la Ma­yaro Road, where sev­er­al ve­hi­cles were stopped and checked.

A to­tal of thir­ty dri­vers un­der­went breath­a­lyz­er tests. Two sus­pects, aged 39 and 45 from San­gre Grande, failed the test and were ar­rest­ed and charged for dri­ving un­der the in­flu­ence of al­co­hol.

In ad­di­tion, a 23-year-old man from Boodoo High­way, San­gre Chiq­ui­to, was ar­rest­ed and charged for "dri­ving with­out a dri­ver’s per­mit" and "dri­ving with­out a cer­tifi­cate of in­sur­ance."

Of­fi­cers pro­ceed­ed to Bra­vo Hill Ex­ten­sion in San­gre Grande, where a search of a res­i­dence led to the seizure of 189 grams of cannabis, 98 grams of co­caine, 34 Mol­ly pills (19 grams), 28 grams of pure Mol­ly and TT$40,565.00 in cash, which were seized un­der the Pro­ceeds of Crime Act. A 32-year-old sus­pect was ar­rest­ed and is ex­pect­ed to be charged in con­nec­tion with these items.

Fur­ther search­es at an­oth­er res­i­dence led to the seizure of 66 grams of cannabis, where a 31-year-old male was ar­rest­ed for pos­ses­sion.

An ad­di­tion­al search con­duct­ed on a black Navara parked along Bra­vo Hill Ex­ten­sion, dri­ven by a 35-year-old sus­pect led to the seizure of one glock pis­tol with eight rounds of 9mm am­mu­ni­tion and 289 grams of cannabis.

The sus­pect was ar­rest­ed for pos­ses­sion of a firearm and am­mu­ni­tion, as well as pos­ses­sion of cannabis with in­tent to traf­fic.

An­oth­er search along Cir­cu­lar Dri­ve Ex­ten­sion, Quash Trace, San­gre Grande, led to the seizure of one home­made shot­gun and one round of 12-gauge car­tridge.

In­ves­ti­ga­tions are on­go­ing in the above mat­ters.


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