Minister of Public Utilities Marvin Gonzales is one of those ministers who has settled into his work without too much politicising and engaging in deceptive actions and statements. Surely, however, his attempt to convince the country that the implementation of the T&T Electricity Commission (T&TEC) rate increases recommended by the Regulated Industries Commission is not of sufficient importance for consideration, discussion and possible implementation, is not an argument that can be accepted.
“The matter is still before the Finance and General Purposes Committee, I don’t think that this matter would ever progress during this year. I think we have a lot more that we are focusing on at this time,” Gonzales said when asked about the status of the matter and whether the Government is staying away from it in this election year to avoid serious negative reaction by the electorate.
Effectively, however, Minister Gonzales was attempting to play games with the intelligence of the population, appreciative of the fact that governments generally avoid making decisions in the build-up to an election which may be unpopular and can deter voters from choosing to return them to office.
Data presented by the minister only a couple of months ago show that T&TEC owes over $6 billion to the National Gas Company for fuel it has used to generate electricity but not paid for; and that several government ministries and state agencies owe T&TEC over $2 billion for electricity consumed but with outstanding payment.
Contemplate the situation: a large quantity of natural gas being supplied to T&TEC is not being paid for both in a timely fashion and if at all; that a major passage out of the problem is directly related to Government accepting and implementing the RIC recommendations, in part or in whole, to alleviate the heavy burden on both the NGC and TTEC; that the RIC has recommended that consumers, domestic and business, must pay more to lift part of that load, yet those complicated debt and payment issues do not amount to a matter for immediate and serious consideration by the Government, is really an unacceptable proposition put forward by the minister.
But the width of the problem does not end there. The reality is that natural gas is not being brought to the surface in great abundance to the point that it can be supplied without payment by T&TEC, rather than being diverted to a customer who can pay for it. Now, it will be industrial suicide for NGC to cut off supplies of natural gas to T&TEC without throwing the entire economy and society into a nightmare. But to suggest that even discussion on the implementation of a rate hike to allow the electricity commission to be able to consistently pay for its supplies of gas, is far from being a logical and acceptable suggestion for the Public Utilities Minister to make.
One of the core difficulties of a government in office planning to defer discussion and decision-making on such an issue, is that on the day after the election, the country, and whichever party is elected to office, will still have to attend to the problem as outlined above.