Members of the public are now free to enjoy the services of their favourite spas, hairdressers, barbers, hair and beauty technicians, and to access domestic services and real estate services once more, following the reopening of these businesses today.
An official statement issued by the Ministry of Health says these businesses have been authorised to operate once more by the Minister of Health “until further notice, Monday through Sunday”. However, they must comply with the existing COVID-19 Regulations and the stipulations of the current State of Emergency.
The following is the official statement issued by the health ministry, on the re-openings…
Statement from the Honourable Terrence Deyalsingh, Minister of Health on the Opening of Personal Services, ALL Domestic Services and Real Estate Services Statement No. 9
Port of Spain, 22 August 2021: Personal Services, ALL Domestic Services and Real Estate Services will be allowed on a temporary basis.
Pursuant to Regulation 3(8) of the Emergency Powers (No. 2) Regulations, 2021, with effect from Monday 23rd August 2021, the Minister of Health hereby authorises spas, hairdressers, hair and beauty technicians and barbers to operate UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, Monday through Sunday.
Pursuant to Regulation 3(10)(ao) of the Emergency Powers (No. 2) Regulations, 2021, with effect from Monday 23rd August 2021, the Minister of Health hereby authorises the provision of ALL Domestic Services and Real Estate Services UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, Monday through Sunday.
Operators, employees and customers of the Personal Services’ and Real Estate establishments as well as homeowners and domestic workers are advised to comply strictly with the (other) legal requirements of the Emergency Powers (No. 2) Regulations, 2021, the legal requirements of the Public Health [2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)] (No. 18) Regulations, 2021 and the public health guidelines.
Authorizations granted by the Minister of Health pursuant to Statements 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 remain valid.
The Ministry of Health will continue to monitor this development and take steps to safeguard the health of the population.