The Office of the Prime Minister has confirmed that Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley MP is now out of isolation and has tested negative for COVID-19.
The PM’s Office issued the following brief statement on its Facebook Page a short while ago:
“Prime Minister Dr the Hon Keith Rowley is now out of isolation having tested negative for COVID-19 for a second time after he was recently identified as a primary contact of an individual who tested positive for COVID-19.”
This recent COVID-19 scare comes just six months after Dr Rowley himself recovered from the disease.
The PM’s Office had alerted the nation over the weekend that Dr Rowley had been identified as a primary contact of someone who had tested COVID-19 positive, and that he would remain in isolation until two consecutive tests showed him to be negative.
It was eventually revealed that MP for Tobago East Ayanna Webster-Roy was the person who had come into contact with PM Rowley, and who had tested COVID-19 positive.
Minister Webster-Roy confirmed the news in her social media that she and her family had contracted the virus, with the exception of her nine-year-old son.
PM Rowley is fully vaccinated with the Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine, having received his two shots in July and August this year.
Minister Webster-Roy also is fully vaccinated, having received the Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine back in June.