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Saturday, March 15, 2025

Patriotic Front unveils more candidates for general election


4 days ago

The Pa­tri­ot­ic Front has of­fi­cial­ly an­nounced sev­en more can­di­dates for the up­com­ing 2025 gen­er­al elec­tions. The par­ty's lead­er­ship de­scribed the new batch of can­di­dates as a “fear­less set of lead­ers and in­no­va­tors,” em­pha­siz­ing that these in­di­vid­u­als are not tra­di­tion­al ca­reer politi­cians, but in­stead, prob­lem-solvers, ed­u­ca­tors, en­tre­pre­neurs, health­care pro­fes­sion­als, and com­mu­ni­ty ad­vo­cates.

In a state­ment re­leased to the me­dia, the Pa­tri­ot­ic Front stressed that their can­di­dates em­body the val­ues they aim to pro­mote, mak­ing them well-suit­ed to bring about the “re­al change” they promise. The par­ty stat­ed, “These are not ca­reer politi­cians, but prob­lem-solvers, ed­u­ca­tors, en­tre­pre­neurs, health­care spe­cial­ists, and com­mu­ni­ty builders who live the val­ues they fight for.”

“We are proud to present these can­di­dates to the na­tion,” said a spokesper­son for the par­ty. “They rep­re­sent the hope for a bet­ter fu­ture and the com­mit­ment to en­sur­ing that the peo­ple of Trinidad and To­ba­go are at the fore­front of every­thing we do.”

The Pa­tri­ot­ic Front em­pha­sized that their mes­sage for the 2025 elec­tions is cen­tered on “Change, Not Ex­change,” aim­ing to move be­yond tra­di­tion­al pol­i­tics and of­fer so­lu­tions that tru­ly ben­e­fit the peo­ple.

The can­di­dates an­nounced are:

Dr. Winzy Adams – Port of Spain South

Christo­pher Alexan­der – Laven­tille East/Mor­vant

Dr. Nao­mi Gopeesingh – Fyz­abad

Dan­ny Jadoo­nanan – Oropouche East

Afi­fah Mo­hammed – Ch­agua­nas East

Triv­et Phillip – Moru­ga/Table­land

Nathaniel Thomas – Laven­tille West

Each can­di­date is de­scribed as a leader who will work to bring about gen­uine im­prove­ments to their com­mu­ni­ties, with a fo­cus on ad­dress­ing the needs of or­di­nary cit­i­zens rather than main­tain­ing the sta­tus quo. The Pa­tri­ot­ic Front con­clud­ed, “These are the lead­ers who will fight for re­al change, for a Trinidad and To­ba­go that works for every­one.”

With the gen­er­al elec­tions just around the cor­ner, the Pa­tri­ot­ic Front said it is po­si­tion­ing it­self as a par­ty ready to make a dif­fer­ence with fresh, dy­nam­ic lead­er­ship.

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