One Hindu Pundit has issued a call to the Prime Minister and the Government to make vaccination against COVID-19 mandatory.
Pundit Satyanand Maharaj, leader of the Satya Anand Ashram in Aranguez, issued the call following recent news of the country’s COVID-19 death toll passing the 2,000 mark.
“In light of the recent spike of COVID related deaths which is threatening to collapse our healthcare system, I hereby call on Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley to make vaccination mandatory,” the religious leader states in a release.
“While the world moves ahead to herd immunity and a normal life, we in Trinidad and Tobago continue to struggle with convincing a nation to take the vaccine. It is evident that no amount of buff in any amount of press conference has made or will make any noticeable difference,” he said.
Pundit Maharaj also is recommending that Government apply safe zone measures to all of its offices and agencies.
“To enter and do all government business you must be vaccinated. This should apply to all government employees including doctors, nurses, Ministry of National Security and all who work in the public sector,” Pundit Maharaj explains.
“It should also include vaccination if you wish to patronize groceries and other stores, including all modes of transport,” he added.
Pundit Maharaj says COVID-19 mitigation “can no longer be treated with kids gloves”.
“While everyone’s life is theirs to live recklessly as they wish, the unvaccinated are contracting COVID-19 and putting the health care system under such a strain that its collapse is imminent,” the religious leader warns.