The country's COVID-19 death toll now stands at 1,639 after six more people infected with the disease died.
According to the Ministry of Health's daily update, the fatalities were two elderly males, three middle-aged males and one middle-aged female. It added that five of these patients had multiple comorbidities including a mix of high blood pressure, asthma, chronic kidney disease, and a history of heart attacks or strokes. One person's comorbidity was obesity.
The Ministry also confirmed 234 new cases from samples collected between October 19 and 22 making it 55,437 people infected locally since March 12. Active cases rose slightly to 4,589. The Ministry also released 150 people under its care; 23 of whom were discharged from public health facilities while 127 were released from home self-isolation as recovered community cases.
The Ministry also added that one of the confirmed cases of Delta in Friday's release had no travel history, no known contacts, and was unvaccinated. The details, it said, was omitted on Friday.
Up to 4 pm on Saturday, 617,429 people received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine with 583,447 completing their regimen.